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How Switching to Certified Natural Wines Could Save Your Life

Conversely, if you have ever felt ill after drinking a glass of wine you could be one of the many people who suffer from a sulphite allergy. Those who suffer from asthma are at most risk to sulphite sensitivity and if you find yourself experiencing the symptoms of an allergic reaction then natural wines provide an alternative healthy wine drinking experience.
Be Aware of Sulphite Allergy Symptoms
Allergic reactions can vary from minor skin irritation right through to the most extreme form of an allergic reaction, anaphylaxis.If you experience any of the following symptoms after drinking wine you are advised to consult a medical professional.
Flushed Face-A flushed face is one of the first signs of a sulphite allergy and if you find yourself experiencing itchy skin or a rash after drinking wine you probably have sensitivity to sulphites.
Swelling –Any swelling is usually a sign of an allergic reaction and when you monitor yourself pay attention to the eyes, face, lips, throat and tongue.
Mental Symptoms - Any type of anxiety or distress including faintness, paleness and a sense of doom are not positive signs after drinking a bottle of wine.
Extreme Symptoms – The most extreme symptom of all is loss of consciousness and if you experience a drop in blood pressure, a rapid heartbeat and cramp like symptoms you are advised to seek medical attention immediately.
Breathing Difficulties- If you are experiencing breathing difficulties this is an extreme allergic reaction and if you are asthmatic you are at particular risk.
If you find that you are experiencing unusual physical problems when you are speaking and swallowing these are the first major signs of an allergic reaction. If you are allergic to sulphites do not consume anything that contains sulphites. Beware of wines that bear the label “may contain” or “may contain traces of” as they do in fact contain sulphites.
Highly Recommended Sulphite Free Natural Wine
Solo wines are a new brand of natural wine, fresh from the Domain Viret Vineyard in the Rhone Valley in the south of France.It is a sulphite free wine and offers drinkers a smooth wine drinking experience full of delicious blackcurrant and blackberry flavours. Who said natural wines were boring?